What is TND?

The term “TND” was first coined in New Hampshire in the mid 1980s when Mr. Chellman; a current federal judge and then practicing attorney, Norman Stahl; Attorney Karen McGinley; Andres Duany; and Scott Brooks, a developer who brought this team together, were working on a project then proposed for Bedford, New Hampshire. At that time, TND meant Traditional Neighborhood Development and it also became a TND Zoning Ordinance, first for Mr. Brooks’ project and then as a model for development elsewhere.

More recently, TND, as here, refers to Traditional Neighborhood Design and it is an encompassing label for that which TND Engineering seeks to accomplish.

“Traditional neighborhoods” come in all size and ranges of density from very rural to highly urban. By studying the historic patterns of development that have been established throughout the globe, many design principles emerge that have a great deal with how the built environment is assembled and very little to do with the actual design of buildings, other than some simple massing requirements. The design of building interiors is critically important as well, but that is not a part of TND.

Both the subtleties of rural design and the intricacies of urban design are well understood at TND Engineering.

This video helps to explain what New Urbanism is. It was produced by John Paget and First+Main Media.